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One best way to engage your Leisure time

Every life, born in this Motherland fulfills some cycle knowingly or unknowingly. Let me dig out some of your schooling memories. Everyone of us would have come across Ecosystems and bio-diversity in our syllabus. If you observe keenly, every action happens unknowingly, but for a reason.

Image Source: Freepik

Similarly, in our day to day life we do many things and activities unknowingly. Those activities benefited few living beings. Imagine the benefits that you have contributed unknowingly for so long years. Kudos to everyone. Tap on your back and be proud of yourself.

* What if you get a chance to help someone or fulfill some cycle knowingly?
* What if you get a chance to bring a tremendous change in the life of a person?

Image Source: Freepik

Sounds interesting right. Let me share you one such interesting activity. By any chance if you feel interesting or you feel like being part of this good cause, then click on the below link and register yourself.

Image Source: Yesabled

If you think it's a branding for some business or part time job or investment tricks then you are wrong. It's all about One best way to engage your leisure time by being Scribe. Let's have a quick look at what is Scribe all about.

What or Who is a Scribe?
According to Dictionary, Scribe are professionals who are hired to copy the documents. Here, Scribes are professional, who helps specially abled person to write his / her examinations, convert the text books into audio books either for monetary or as a voluntary service.

The Opportunity
Few months back, I got an opportunity to be a scribe for a specially abled person. With no prior experience or knowledge, I agreed to be a scribe. I have got a call from the person, whom I was supposed to accompany with, the next day.

After I spoke with the person and feeling his excitement through his voice, I was extra charged. It was a weekend. With full Josh I started going through many articles and blogs and finally learnt some of the below things.

What not to do?
Unknowingly, we tend to make these mistakes as many of us have less or no exposure to such specially challenged or differently abled people. Few top not to do things.

• Do not make them feel weak or bad by any of your words or examples
• Do not comment on any relationship because they might not even have relatives
• Never use your mobile when you are with them (ofcourse for unavoidable situations yes, you can). Because this might make them feel lonely
• Never make fun of them
• Do not give any commitment and deceive them. Because they trust you and your words a lot.
• Do not do anything only for the Monetary purpose because a lot of them are extremely struggling. Volunteer as much as you can.

What to Do?
• Be a sport and have fun (that doesn't hurt their feelings) and make them feel comfortable
• Converse the things that they are interested in
• Encourage them to do things
• Have a meaningful and healthy conversation
• Take selfies and tag them in social media and make them feel equal in the society
• Treat them as your friend

Yes of course you and I follow many of these Do's and Don'ts in general, but still I went through and ensured that I carry all necessary documents and proofs before I started.

Responsibility was very high, hence reached the center well in advance and was waiting for the person. I never expected that the person would drive his own vehicle and reach the center. I could see his boldness and confidence in the way he carried himself.

Exam Hall
Both of us entered the special hall (dedicated examination hall, reserved for specially abled persons). I was given clear instructions on what is my role as scribe. Post exam I had some time to interact with the person.

Education and Employment Opportunity
He was discussing about the Educational opportunities and Employment opportunities that is available for specially abled people in India.
Educational Institutions, Large Scale Organizations, Banking sector, State and Central Government Institutions, Public Aided Organizations provide few opportunities for specially abled and differently abled people.

Helping Hands
Not everyone needs your helping hand to get to that opportunity, but few need your assistance to fulfil the circle. They aren't looking your support to lead a luxurious life, but looking for fulfilling their basic life needs. Yes, your time is most valuable and they realize them. Just spare that valuable thing if you really wish to do.

We are in Industry 4.0 generation. For sure there will be some advanced technologies to help them. But many of them cannot afford the technology. Many aren't skilled enough to use those technologies. Still they are only dependent on common people like us.

Image Source: Freepik

Confused where and whom to reach?
If you are ready to help then there are 100 ways. I'll share you one way that I followed (trust worthy NGO that works only for their welfare). You can also comment if you knew any.

* Reach Yesabled team. You can get information of examinations that is scheduled for specially abled people. If you are available near the examination centers, you can appear for examination. The process of registering you as scribe will be taken care.

* You can also help the Visually Challenged people to learn by converting their theoretical texts into audio books (you can see their PDF books and record it and share it to them). This is completely work from home option. You can do it whenever you find time. Best suited for Homemakers.

* You can provide career guidance to the talented and deserved people.

* You can share the books you have for them as many of them cannot afford 

* You can provide awareness regarding the Technology, Opportunities available for them, sports, recreation and entertainment activities available for them.

Try once in your life, you will feel the real happiness. If you are already doing such noble cause, then a BIG SALUTE.

Image Source: Freepik

To know more, read the below reference articles:

To read my other articles, click here

Image Sources: Freepik


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