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Showing posts from June, 2020

One best way to engage your Leisure time

Every life, born in this Motherland fulfills some cycle knowingly or unknowingly. Let me dig out some of your schooling memories. Everyone of us would have come across Ecosystems and bio-diversity in our syllabus. If you observe keenly, every action happens unknowingly, but for a reason. Image Source: Freepik Similarly, in our day to day life we do many things and activities unknowingly. Those activities benefited few living beings. Imagine the benefits that you have contributed unknowingly for so long years. Kudos to everyone. Tap on your back and be proud of yourself. * What if you get a chance to help someone or fulfill some cycle knowingly? * What if you get a chance to bring a tremendous change in the life of a person? Image Source: Freepik Sounds interesting right. Let me share you one such interesting activity. By any chance if you feel interesting or you feel like being part of this good cause, then click on the below link and register yourself. Yesabled